Wyocena Library Needs Your Help



Due to County budget cuts and State restrictions 
on raising tax revenue in the Village, your Wyocena 
Library is dangerously close to closing its doors. 

Your Library desperately needs your help. 

What does it mean to have a library? 

A library is a safe environment where everyone is 
treated equally. A place full of resources that cultivate 
and help make dreams a reality. The library is a refuge, a 
community gathering space, and a lifeline to the world of 
information for those who lack the means to access 
on their own. 

What does the Wyocena Library 
mean to you? 

The Wyocena Library is the heart and soul of our community.
As part of the community’s identity, we do so much more than lend books.
We offer a place for the community to work, relax, discover, and imagine.
We host events, give the community access to free WI-FI, 
public computers, printer, copier, and fax.
We answer IT questions, help with job searches, or help you find your next read and so much more. 

What can you do to help? 

Checkout material. Stop by the library weekly and 
checkout books, videos, or music. An increase in 
circulation can have a positive impact on the amount 
of yearly reimbursement from the County. 

Volunteer to host a program. Do you know how to 
knit? Host a program at the library to teach others. 
Are you a computer expert? Teach others computer 
skills. The program possibilities are endless. 

Donate money. Yes, dollars help. Donate to the library fund to help pay inflating operating costs.